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5 Essential Facility Management Tips for Small Businesses


The role of a facility manager is one of extreme importance; imagine being responsible for the smooth functioning of an entire facility.

A facility manager is responsible for coordinating diverse tasks and processes to ensure a safe and comfortable work environment for employees and customers.

Develop a maintenance plan.

As with any managerial position, it is essential to first establish clear goals and objectives that also align with the organisation’s vision. These goals should be (SMART) specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound to make sure the set goals are realistic and achievable.

Before creating a maintenance plan, you should conduct a comprehensive assessment of your facility and look closer at areas that have faced issues in the past. Once you have all the required data, you can develop a maintenance plan. Remember, it should cover all aspects of facility maintenance, from HVAC and electrical systems to plumbing and medical equipment.

Prioritise preventive maintenance.

Preventive maintenance involves regular inspections and maintenance of equipment to reduce downtime and prevent breakdowns and costly repairs. Preventive maintenance also increases the overall lifespan of the equipment. 

Preventive maintenance for small businesses includes the following:

Scheduling Routine Checks: Regularly inspect equipment, HVAC systems, plumbing, electrical systems, and other critical infrastructure.

Keeping Maintenance Records: Maintain detailed records of all maintenance activities to identify recurring issues and plan for future needs.

Training Staff: Ensure that employees are aware of basic maintenance procedures and can identify potential issues early.


Like any other industry, technology is transforming facility management as well. A smart facility manager should utilise technology to increase efficiency, communication, cost-cutting, and sustainability.

Innovative software enables strategic facility capital planning and enables facility managers to streamline processes, automate data collection and analysis, and make more informed decisions. These solutions provide real-time insights and analytics, allowing facility managers to optimise resource allocation and enhance overall performance. 

Also, there are mobile features that enable you to control your HVAC and lighting settings directly from your mobile device. These,  when combined with IOT devices and sensors, enable effective cost savings.

Invest in high-quality equipment.

If you choose less standard equipment, you might save money in the short term, but this equipment is usually a disaster when you think about the long term. They have shorter life spans and usually require expensive maintenance. 

Whereas high-quality equipment may cost more, it has longer lives, is cheaper to maintain, and has fewer breakdowns, reducing overall downtime. These higher-grade pieces of equipment are also often backed by warranties, protecting you from any problems down the line. 

This doesn’t necessarily mean going with the most expensive branded product, evaluating your requirements, researching your options, and making a well-thought-out decision based on your budget. Also consider if you can trust the vendor you end up choosing and if they provide effective after-sales service and support.

Improve employee skills.

You can use planning and technology to make your facility management efforts more efficient, but ultimately, there is a lot riding on your employees. As the facility manager, it is your responsibility to ensure all your employees are up-to-date and comfortable using technology in your facility.

Even in the future, if any new systems or technology are integrated, the employees must be trained and upskilled to ensure a smooth flow of work.

The workforce is one of the most important assets of any organisation, and it is much better to upskill your employees than replace them. This not only increases loyalty among employees but also improves morale and


By utilising these tips, a facility manager can increase the efficiency and productivity of a small business in no time. A facility should be in top shape, and these tips help in maintaining it.

While these tips are aimed at small businesses, they are core concepts that can be applied to any business, despite its size or industry.

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