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Nobody likes to do a single task using ten different platforms. The same is true for facility management. Well, you must be wondering what exactly is Integrated Facility Management (IFM).

Integrated facility management (IFM) is the consolidation of facility management initiatives under a single, cohesive team. This includes agreements, collaborations with vendors, space management, and real estate planning.

Think about the change to the facilities management mindset of today. Data is now arranged and aggregated rather than classified. In terms of facilities management, the same can be true. Dividing management tasks, duties, and resources is not the solution. IFM connects them.

As per a study by Frost & Sullivan, integrated facility management (IFM)is set to develop at the quickest rate in the upcoming years. According to the analysis, IFM’s overall market share will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8%, from 11.2% in 2020 to 13.5% in 2026. Everyone is inclined to apply IFM as a result of this growing trend in that direction.

In this blog, we shall get a brief insight into the concept of Integrated Facility Management (IFM) Services, the approach, benefits and all. 

The IFM approach

Similar knock-on effects result from an interpretation of IFM that is based on coherence. Depending on your existing facilities management strategy, switching to an IFM method may entail closing process gaps and lowering expenses. 

A few examples of IFM transitions are as follows:

  1. A single company or a skilled in-house team can be contracted to provide facilities management services. 
  2.  Consolidate facilities management responsibilities by assigning control to key team members. 
  3.  Upgrade technology to eliminate manual activities. D) Terminate small-vendor contracts in favour of consolidated services with a bigger vendor.

While IFM’s application varies, its fundamental idea never changes. Redundancies, errors, expenses, and obstacles need to be minimized or removed

The Benefits of Integrated Facility Management (IFM) Services

1.Placing all parties in agreement:

Getting everyone on the same page is one of the biggest advantages of IFM. All of your facilities management services can be consolidated under one provider, so you know that everyone is aiming for the same objectives. 

This indicates that everyone involved—your management group, your service provider, and your staff—understands exactly what has to be done and when.

All team members benefit from the clarity created by this type of oversight. Additionally, this results in enhanced collaboration, communication, and resource use.

2.Improved safeguarding of brands:

Your facilities are a representation of your company, thus having poorly maintained ones might hurt your reputation. Adding IFM to your company strengthens your brand as well. It can guarantee that your buildings are consistently clean, safe, and maintained. 

Both consumer happiness and your brand’s reputation can benefit from this. Additionally, it can lessen the chance of mishaps, which could harm the reputation of your company.

3.Pay attention to the big picture:

You may free up time and resources to concentrate on your main business operations by outsourcing your facilities management services. By adopting an aerial perspective, managers can better connect jobs with primary company goals rather than bouncing between various tasks or teams. 

This implies that you will have more time to devote to business development, client involvement, and strategic planning—all of which can spur growth and boost profitability.

4.Enhance Budgeting & Tracking:

Keeping track of spending and developing precise budgets is made simpler with integrated facilities management. This enables businesses to prioritize investments in important areas and make spending decisions. They can also use it to find areas where they can maximize their resources and cut costs.

In addition, IFM tracks performance data and pinpoints opportunities for development using specialist analytics tools. Organizations may optimize their spending and make sure they are receiving the best value for their money using this approach to facilities management.

5.Learn the optimum procedures:

A professional staff with specific training and experience in various aspects of facility management, such as energy management, security, and maintenance, is usually employed by IFM providers. In order to maximize the performance of the facilities they oversee, these professionals have access to the most recent trends, technology, and best practices in the facilities management sector.

6.Increasing Agility:

IFM offers chances for cost and efficiency reductions as well as real-time data. As a result, businesses are better equipped to inform leadership strategies and become more flexible and agile. However, a conventional FM program that functions tactically is not enough to meet the expectations of the contemporary business environment.

Businesses can easily adjust to changes in their facility management requirements when they have an IFM. 

For instance, they can swiftly and easily scale up their cleaning services during flu season or lower their energy consumption during peak hours. Additionally, it makes it possible for companies to react to crises more quickly.

7.Prospects for Saving Money:

One major advantage of integrated facilities management is cost reduction. Organizations can gain economies of scale, lower administrative expenses, and streamline operations by combining different facilities management services under one provider. IFM helps organizations cut needless expenditures by enabling them to pinpoint areas where extra money is being spent, squandered, or improperly handled.

To discover inefficiencies in the facility’s energy use and implement energy-saving solutions that can lower energy expenses by up to 20%, for instance, an IFM provider may apply data analytics. Similar to this, an IFM reduces the need for expensive emergency repairs and downtime by using predictive maintenance approaches to identify probable equipment faults before they occur.

In conclusion, a company or facility that implements integrated facility management will benefit from IFM. The success of a company can be greatly impacted by the wide-ranging advantages of integrated facilities management.

Through the implementation of appropriate facilities management system software, companies can improve sustainability practices and streamline operations. Putting into practice an integrated facilities management plan can give companies a competitive edge and assist them in achieving their long-term objectives as they expand and change.

To know about the difference between facility management and asset management then click here.

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